Haigslea Residential Limited ACN 168 101 479 ('HRL', 'we', 'us', 'our') collects information about you for the purposes you agree to in this Privacy
Disclosure Statement and Consent. When you sign below, you agree we can, consistently with privacy and credit reporting laws, collect, use and exchange
credit and personal information about you for those purposes.
Privacy Disclosure Statement and Consent
We are collecting credit and personal information about you, as applicable, to provide you, or a company of which you are a director, with:
- • A suite of Assquire® contracts (including Associated Documentation) used with the Mortgage Alternative product; or
- • occupancy of a house or other residential property under an Assquire® system suite of contracts; or
- • Other services stated in this Privacy Disclosure Statement and Consent (Consent).
The information we obtain from you is used, subject to compliance with privacy and credit reporting laws, only for the purposes listed in this Consent and
is not disclosed to any other person except with your permission or as permitted, or required, by law.
We require the information we collect from you to assess your creditworthiness or the creditworthiness of a company of which you are a director, source any
required insurances and to manage the Assquire® system suite of contracts. If you do not provide the information sought, we may be unable to process
your application, or the company's application, or we may be limited in the other services we can offer you or the company.
You can gain access to the information we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer at the address above or by phone on 1300 760 213 or email at
privacy@mortgagealternative.com.au. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website at www.mortgagealternative.com.au
Disclosure and Consent
By ticking the box above and electronically submitting this Application form, you agree HRL may:
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Use your personal information to:
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Assess your Assquire® application and/or to assess an Assquire® application by a company of which you are a director;
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Manage or better service your, or the company's, Assquire® contracts and any future needs;
- •
Assist you to manage your Assquire® payment obligations under the contract or the company's Assquire® payment obligations;
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Otherwise, as the law requires.
- •
Obtain from, or disclose to, any third party information about you, the applicant(s) that is reasonably necessary to assess, arrange, provide or
administer your Assquire® contracts and associated documentation and any credit, property or insurance requirements;
- •
Provide you or the company of which you are a director with offers or information of other goods or services we, or any of our associated entities, may
be able to provide to you or the company, unless you tell us not to;
- •
Disclose your personal and credit information to other counterparties that may wish to become a party to an Assquire and/or Mortgage Alternative
contract with you;
- •
Disclose your personal and credit information to other related companies within the Haigslea Finance Group Australia Limited group;
- •
Disclose your personal and credit information to other organisations that provide us with services, such as mortgage brokers, contractors, agents,
licensees, printers, mail houses, lawyers, document custodians, banks who may provide funding, computer systems consultants or providers, including
overseas service providers, so they can perform those services for us; and
- •
Disclose your personal information to any other organisation that may wish to acquire, or has acquired, an interest in our business or any rights under
your contract with us, or the contract with us of a company of which you are a director.
You also agree that we may, as appropriate:
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Notify a credit reporting body that you as an individual (not as a director of a company) have applied for to use the Assquire or Mortgage Alternative
- •
Provide your identification details to the credit reporting body;
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Exchange your credit information with the credit reporting body and any lender named in your credit report or in your application;
- •
Obtain information about your commercial activities, or commercial credit worthiness, where relevant, from a credit reporting body.
Where the applicant is a company of which you are a director, you specifically acknowledge and agree you consent to the use of your personal information,
in addition to the company's information, in each of the ways listed above.