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Registration Form

Please complete the web form below if you are interested in applying for a Mortgage Alternative home.

In completing the form below, you need not at this time select a property address. Most separately titled properties will be considered, including separately titled duplexes, but not single title dual occupancy dwellings.

The more information that you can supply on this application form, the more likely it is that you will be selected to proceed, as this information will significantly improve our ability to assess your eligibility. Click here to view our Privacy Policy. Applications received will be credit-assessed to the same level of detail as a standard mortgage application with a bank.

Please note that we are only seeking  customers from South-east Queensland at this stage – so don’t delay! Customers with good credit assessments will be priority wait-listed for future approved homes as part of the broader launch of Mortgage Alternative. Investors will naturally prefer credit approved MA buyers.